Sports Round-up!

Sports Round-up!

With it being over half-way through Term 2, I thought we would do a wee update on what's been happening with a few of TCAS sports!

Secondary Hockey

This year we have nine secondary students competing in the Dunedin Hockey Tournament which runs for 14 weeks. The students travel to either King's High School turf or the McMillan Hockey Centre turf on a Tuesday after school and return around 8.30pm, which just shows the dedication these students have to the sport. This is some of the students' second year competing and the improvements are showing thanks to Mrs Wilkinson's hockey knowledge! We have a couple of newbies this year and they are picking up the required skills fast. It's awesome to have some strong competition pushing the team each week. We have introduced a goalie in the team after a generous grant from the Jim & Bill Beattie Trust meant we could purchase the goalie gear. Currently we are sitting at the top of the ladder!

Senior Netball

Catlins is proud to have three boys playing this year in our senior team. This is something we have to apply for dispensation for each year and something we are working on having included at events such as Area School Tournament, Otago Secondary Schools Tournament etc. We are the only team in the South Otago competition  to have boys playing, however it's awesome to see more and more boys playing netball in the junior competition on Saturdays.

We are so grateful to have Mrs Blair's years of experience shared with the team at their weekly trainings & on game nights. It's been a great start to the season and we have a slightly younger team this year.

Junior Netball

This year we have three junior teams playing consisting of 23 juniors. The year 7+8 team is coached by Sarah Chittock and is tracking well. With big numbers to manage, players are getting a variety of positions each week. Attendance at practice is awesome and Sarah is really enjoying coaching the team.

TCAS Tokata (Year 5&6) and coached by Olivia Parkes, have had a strong start to the season. They have learnt some great attacking, dodging and driving skills. A big focus this season has been on team work, learning when to leave the ball to let others take it, and not bunching. They are an enthusiastic team who love putting on their TCAS netball dresses every Saturday and making their school proud.

Catlins Katea (Year 3 & 4) girls are having a great enjoyable season being coached by Maree Falconer. They have been working on basic skills be it footwork, shooting, learning to defend and coming forward to the ball. The improvement each week has been massive to watch. They are having lots of fun on and off the court and are all good friends which is showing through.

Secondary Friday Basketball

Our secondary basketball team is in its second year of competing in the Dunedin competition which runs for 12 weeks on a Friday night. The 10 boys head up in the school van and play at various gyms around Dunedin. The team is playing exceptionally well, winning every game so far this season. They have all improved immensely and Jethro has shown great leadership in captaining the team. Most importantly they are all out there enjoying the game, and their coaches Glenys & Kerri love seeing their positive attitudes & sportsmanship!

Of course there are plenty of other sports happening that our students are involved in such as Junior rugby, Saturday football, gymnastics, swimming, aerobics, Junior basketball and many more! With Term 3 just around the corner we will have futsal, indoor cricket, cross-country & touch grading to look forward to! 

TCAS cross-country will be held on Tuesday 6th August with a postponement date of Thursday the 8th. Those who make it through will attend the SOPSSA Cross Country in Clinton on Wednesday the 14th of August. The kids have not been letting the weather stop them from getting outside and keeping fit at lunch times (sorry about all the washing!), which is awesome to see!