Juniors visit the Owaka Museum

The junior classes headed down to visit Mr McPhee at the Owaka Museum for some specialised knowledge on waka.

On Tuesday, Rooms 1-3 students walked down to the Owaka Museum to learn about waka and ships and explore the maritime history of the Catlins.

Mr McPhee worked with small groups talking about waka, their cultural significance and construction. He explained the materials used, such as wood and how they were crafted. He also contrasted waka with other types of boats, highlighting their structural differences and uses.

They also explored the maritime section of the museum, where they viewed exhibits featuring different types of boats used in the Catlins, and watched a movie. 

Back at school, we used our knowledge to engage in a Venn diagram activity with hoops to identify and illustrate the similarities and differences between waka and boats. 

A special thanks to Mr McPhee for a memorable learning experience.

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