Stick and Stride at Hockey festival!

Stick and Stride at Hockey festival!

The Year 7-8 Sport Clutha Hockey Festival was held this week and TCAS had a great tournament.

After a disappointing postponement on Tuesday, Thursday was a day in the sun at the annual Year 7-8 Sport Clutha Hockey Festival! It was fantastic to see all of our Year 7 & 8 ākonga participate and some even picking up a hockey stick for the first time. TCAS was able to enter three teams and compete in a league of 24 teams. Seeing the teams incredible improvements throughout the day was definitely a highlight for the adults.

A huge thanks to Kerri Nakajima, Rachael Landreth, Louise Munro and Adele Sellars who took time out of their day to transport, manage, and support our students. Thanks also to Taylor Bichan and Nat Harrex for their hard work, planning and dedication in making the day a success. 

Next week the Year 5 & 6's head to Milton for their tournament and there will be an exciting opportunity to play hockey in Term 3 for those that have had their hockey passion ignited.

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