Year 6 transform into safety superstars!

Year 6 transform into safety superstars!

Year 6 students headed into Balclutha with Mr B for a safety expo that was delivered in a practical way.

On Wednesday the 24th of July the Year 6 students went to Clued-Up Kids. Clued-Up Kids is this thing where you learnt about different safety things as in earthquakes, animals, water, biking and we learnt how to do CPR. One of our favourite things were the bike safety because you got to ride a bike and there are all these things you had to do like giving way, and weaving between cones. We really enjoyed the earthquake safety because there was a little crate that you got to go inside and when the lady pushed the button it would start shaking and then you had to drop cover and hold. Now that was a day to remember.

By Haley Jarvis and Maggie Bradfield

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